Franchise Disclosure Register

The Franchise Disclosure Register gives prospective franchise buyers, current franchisees and professional advisers access to information that is important to know when making business decisions.

This Register is hosted by the Australian Government. All franchise content on the Register is published by franchisors and not by the Australian Government.


Create a new franchise profile, confirm your information is current, create a new version or update an existing franchise profile on the Register using your Digital ID.

Digital ID is a safe, secure and easy way to prove and reuse your identity online. Further information about creating your Digital ID can be found here: Set up your Digital ID.

Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) is an authorisation service that allows you to act on behalf of an entity online when linked with your Digital ID.

If you are experiencing issues with your Digital ID or RAM, you can contact Digital ID or RAM for support.

Franchise buyers and other public users

If you’re looking to buy a franchise, you can search the Register and view franchisor profiles and disclosure information.

Learn more about buying a franchise – see the Information Statement for prospective franchisees and for further information.